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blowing east and blowing west

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.09.07

I saw something last night I'd never seen before: a bank of low clouds blowing briskly west under a high deck that was hurtling east.

From that I could only guess that the next days weather was going to be .. special. But it's been the same as Monday - cloudy and cold with a dull east wind.

No matter, we've got some new fish in the aquarium. I've bought two German blue rams, like we had in Tokyo. They're gorgeous and pleasant-tempered and they won't grow very large so I think the aquarium can take the load. I just hope they aren't deprived of food the way the last little ones seemingly were. I've bought some frozen food (a paste made of worms and other invertebrates, oh yum!) and will be keeping an eye on the larger loach (who is the bully). If I can find another albino bristlenose pleco, I'll restock that, too.

rand()m quote

No matter how cynical you get, you can never keep up.

—-Lily Tomlin