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visit to a childhood home

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Beamsville, Ontario, 2011.09.03

Today, on the way to the city of my birth, I visited the farm where I lived as a child.

It was the first time Mari had seen the place, and it was fun to show Kenny all of the fruit trees. When we got to the end of the driveway, I discovered that the new owners (or inhabitants, anyway) had made a significant change.

Back in the 70's, we had a farm-house, a cottage, a garage, and a barn. The first three buildings are now gone, and only the barn exists. Or rather, the barn's frame is still there. The current tenants have remade it substantially so that the entire first floor is a three or four car garage. The expanded second floor is now a bungalow of sorts, perched above the supergarage.

The front portion of the farm is where the real excitement is, however. Everything's been torn up, maybe half of the planted grapes and fruit trees are gone. I'd heard the rumour years ago that the place had been rezoned for residential "development" and it looks like it might finally have started.

Good bye old farm, hello .. something else.

rand()m quote

There's always something to keep you humble.

—Dr. Kenneth M. Johnston (1920 - 1999)