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camping in killarney

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.08.01

I spent most of the day preparing for our upcoming vacation. And I think I've had a very good idea: camping.

My initial thought was Killbear park, but my friend Geoff came up with a better idea: Killarney provincial park.

I'm not sure how interested Mari will be in potentially sleeping among bears etc but I'd really like to try to spend a night camping at Killarney one night on the way to Sault Ste Marie. It's a beautiful site and I think doing so would drive home what it's like to be in the north far more than would sitting around some Sudbury hotel room. I've gone camping on several occasions but have never organized things and been the one to do the on-site preparation etc (aside from setting up tents, splitting wood, and generally acting on orders).

Must make preparations.

Three good things that happened today:

1. Fantastic weather

2. Good home-made burgers

3. Cleaned the apartment in anticipation of my wife's return

rand()m quote

It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

—Carl Sagan