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water balloons

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

St. Catharines, 2011.07.02

The highlight of the day was the piña col^H^H^H^H playing with a water hose in the back yard.

As far as I know, it was Kenny's first experience with being tormented with water balloons and spray from a hose. It won't be his last.

We did very little, and generally took it as easy as possible. My only venture from the home was to the liquor store. We did accomplish one thing, and that was to eat like kings as we usually do at Grandma's: including the special treat of a Turkish dish called "The Imam fainted". Mari's becoming quite used to the idea of a slow cooker and its many wonderful uses, and I will certainly do nothing to discourage that.

rand()m quote

I had always imagined paradise as a kind of library.

—Jorge Luis Borges