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aquarium wars continue

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.06.30

I had a scare, recently, with the condition of the Pleco in our fish tank.

It turns out that adding some spirulina wafers was the solution. I've been doing that for about two weeks now, and the fish has bounced right back.

Now if only I could get the Angle and the Clown Loach to stop their constant feuding. And the wee loaches are all looking very pinched, I've got to make sure that they're getting some food as well. This is an unusually tricky aquarium to feed. I wonder if the coarse gravel is playing a part - could the food be escaping the fish?

Three good things that happened today:

1. Fantastic weather. Truly ideal.

2. Managed to solve a major process issue at work with a small technical implementation.

3. Kenny is overjoyed at the thought of visiting with grandma tomorrow morning (he's even learned the concept of tomorrow!)

rand()m quote

Between the idea and the reality. Between the motion and the act. Falls the Shadow.

—T.S. Eliot