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"I love living in Toronto"

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.05.08

This is getting out of hand. Two sunny Sundays in a row?? April must be over indeed.

Today we rode down to the tip of the Leslie Street Spit, a man-made finger of "land" made mostly from the great swath of the downtown that got bulldozed when the CBD was built. I gather that it was made to stabilize Toronto against the constant flux that is a part of any coastline.

It was sunny and cool, but almost everyone we passed was wearing either shorts or t-shirts or both, almost like they were programming themselves with the mantra, "It's sunny, therefore it's warm. It's sunny, therefore..." Part of the spit is a bird sanctuary, and we showed Kenny all of the swifts and geese and loons and cormorants and even a swan.

We toured a bit of the neighbourhood south of King Street and east of Parliament upon returning to the city; we'll be participating in Doors Open Toronto in a couple of weeks and I wanted to find two of the locations. When the weather's this good, any excuse works.

When we got home, we were sitting under the extended awning on our balcony and reading. I was editing a portion of my aunt's forthcoming novel when Mari said, "What a great day. I love living in Toronto!"

Three good things that happened today:

1. Got a second mild sunburn. Hooray for sunshine!

2. Found some interesting buildings.

3. Mari seems to be getting used to her new life.

rand()m quote

I just wish that people would realize that anything's possible if you try. Dreams are made if people try.

—Terry Fox