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photo-book contest

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.05.05

Today is "boy's day" in Japan, and Mari stayed up til 01:30 last night making cookies shaped like 'koinobori", the fish flags that fly today.

Kenny was delighted, and declared the cookies his breakfast. (e_e)

Meanwhile, I've entered my book of street photos from Tokyo into a juried contest. I've done things like this before, and my entries never really go anywhere. But I figured that my book slots nicely into the "documentary" contest theme, so I'm taking a shot.

Or, to put this in tweet-speak,

"I've entered my #Tokyo #photobook into a #contest in the "documentary" theme."

rand()m quote

... I'll let you in on a secret. Big people are exactly the same as little people. They're selfish, squabbling children whose motivations are jealousy and greed. No one becomes big when the hit adulthood. They just become better at hiding how small they are.

Jonathan Rosenberg