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yes, my name is Michael Minolta

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.04.13

Today I picked up a beloved old Minolta X-700 from the repair shop. Yet again.

The regular receptionist was not available, and acting as stand-in was a massage therapist from the medical office that shares the same office space (somewhat incredibly). She asked my name, and I told her. As she hunted through the pile of cameras to be returned to their owners, she said, "Oh, here it is. But it's for a Michael Werneburg."

"Yes, that's me."

"I thought you said Michael Minolta."


Now I'm no poker player, and I think something must have showed in my expression, because she defensively said, "Like I said, I'm a massage therapist."

"No problem at all," I told her, sensing that I'd yet again worked my usual un-magic. I switched the topic to why I was bothering to have a camera repaired that would probably cost me less than $100 to replace, saying that it had been with me to the Blue Lagoon, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand... It turns out that she had been to Tasmania a few times, and she concluded the conversation by saying, "Camera people have all of the most interesting stories!"

rand()m quote

Well, someone once told me that life is divided in three parts: at first, you have time and inclination but lack money. Then, you have money and inclination but lack time. Finally, you have money and time but lack inclination. :-)

Andreas Plath