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aquarium established

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.04.11

We had a brief visit with the Seabrights out in "Poshawa" and came home with an aquarium.

Rich is a pro aquarist who's bred and sold various varieties over the years. Now it's the turn of a young puppy* in his home so they needed to find a new keeper for their decade+ old aquarium. There's a clown loach in this tank that's 13 years old!

Along with the aquarium I've been given several books and I hope to do justice to these long-lived fish and Rich's amazing generosity. They seem a bit confused about the new source of food (I use pellets, they're used to flakes). But otherwise they made the transition well enough.

the new aqauarium
the 'new' aquarium

*The puppy and Kenny had a complex first meeting. Kenny likes animals but still isn't comfortable around them—this little pooch in particular had him pretty twitchy.

rand()m quote

Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway.

—Robert Downey Junior