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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.03.27

The amazon experiment went as expected; I racked up one referral sale in the months since I added their ads to my site.

So I've removed the Amazon ads for the moment and have instead added a larger banner ad across the top of the page for a single "product": my book of street photos from Tokyo.

Also, I discovered an embarrassing error in the home-grown content delivery system that I use to manage and deliver this site. It was a combination of my clever anti-spam algorithm and my clever site-caching routine. The former requires that unique form element names be used during the submission of a comment, while the latter ensures that visitors to the site aren't being served those unique codes because they're seeing instead a cached version of the page. That cached version contains form elements whose names have long since timed out, thereby defeating any legitimate attempt at submitting a request. Took me a while to sort that one out, as you can probably imagine. Dum, duh-dum-dum, dumb!

rand()m quote

I had always imagined paradise as a kind of library.

—Jorge Luis Borges