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earth hour was fun

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.03.26

We observed Earth Hour today, killing all of the lights and computers.

Well, nearly all of the computers. By candlelight we watched a couple of Simpsons episodes before Kenny's bedtime (and I have to say, the recent episodes have been quite good). Kenny was a bit put off by the lack of wall-to-wall light, but he got used to it. Which is probably a very good thing; having a kid raised in a perpetual urban environment is one thing but to have a kid unable to deal with solely candlelight is a problem.

Three good things that happened today:

1. We got new tubes and tires for Mari's bike. In fact we cleaned out the store with our wacky overseas 650c system....

2. I got new tubes and tires for Jon's old bike. It took my friggin' forever to get the ancient mountain bike tires off the thing and get the new, more svelte slicks on, but I'm one big step closer to having a commute-ready bike.

3. We had outstanding Thai food from "Thai Ho^H^H^H" nevermind... not having the best Thai restaurant "develop a reputation" and then become impossible....

rand()m quote

There is little success where there is little laughter.

—Andrew Carnegie