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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.03.09

I use a Mac at home (and desperately wish I could use one at work). Much though I enjoy having a UNIX system, it's got some glitches.

Take the handling of removable optical media. For the life of me, I can't figure out how it can be possible that the Mac systems are still susceptible to problems with ejecting media.

Today I was trying to copy a .mov file onto a CD for our neighbours. It turned out that the file was too large to fit on a CD, so I tried a DVD. Which resulted in about ten minutes of struggling with getting the blank DVD recognized, then trying to get it out, then trying to get the system from behaving very sluggishly. I had a look at this hilarious advice, and this voodoo and this comprehensive list of things to try.

In the end I had to resort to opening a terminal and angrily punching in 'sudo shutdown -r now'.

Why is this still an issue fer Pete's sake. Twenty years ago it was amusing to have to use a paperclip to get your floppy disks back, but this is just dumb. It's like an embarrassing story that's been lingering for so long that it's taken on a kind of painful dimension.

rand()m quote

Satire is tragedy plus time. You give it enough time, the public, the reviewers will allow you to satirize it. Which is rather ridiculous, when you think about it.

—Lenny Bruce