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the return of the film scanner

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.03.01

I could take no more. This weekend I got the film scanner and my external RAID device out of the boxes.

God, I do love film.

Burlington Canal in November*

I have a good few dozen rolls to scan, so it's a good thing I can keep the scanner going while I do other things. Sadly, in Canada the film labs cut the negatives into strips of four instead of strips of six like in Japan, which means that for every run of the scanner I'm scanning two empty slots. Still, my seven year old scanner is still going strong, and I'm not complaining.

Miyazaki, Japan

*This was shot with my 20mm lens which seems to be in need of some adjustment.

rand()m quote

No wind favors the ship that has no charted course.
