I imagine it being cooked up in some rundown HK trading shop and built more or less anonymously.
One thing it can't carry is my banged up old Minolta X-700 DSLR. So I've been poking around looking for something larger (and more suitable to client visits for that matter). As I looked around, I came across a type of plastic padded bag that they apparently sell for carrying your lunch to work. It struck me as being a rather good camera bag. Water resistent, lightly padded (neither heavy, stiff, and bulky nor unpadded) and of course inexpensive. What's more, no one's going to swipe the thing. Pleased with my idea, it only occured to me much later in the evening that this wasn't really my original idea. My father used to carry his SLR and spare cameras in a yellow plastic "Smurf" themed lunch bag in the 80's. An idea reborn!
Meetings are indispensable when you don't want to do anything.
—John Kenneth Galbraith