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all work and no play

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.07.13

With the family away, I have to fight the urge to just stay at the office all evening. It's sad.

Is this how I spent all the years before my son was born? Hmm, I think so. Silly Torontonian. It's already at the point where I have had no bread in the apartment for two days because I can't get to the bakery before they close (and I can't eat 'normal' bread that contains gluten).

I have to face facts, I'm just a dull boy. No wonder I wound up in the financial industry.

rand()m quote

Market matters most; neither a stellar team nor fantastic product will redeem a bad market. Markets that don't exist don't care how smart you are.

—Marc Andreesen