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swimming in water (for free)

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.07.09

Today we got out at the crack of noon and went to a swimming pool.

Nothing like a bit of public semi-nudity to help you recognize the recent laxity of your lifestyle. Despite cycling some 22 kilometers a day, I note to my dismay that I'm getting fat. And my eyesight is degraded. Not sure if it's the Big Four O or the work stress but I vow to start turning things around.

One of the benefits of being a tattooed (though only very mildly by the standards of the city) middle-aged layabout is that no one expects much of your physique. Certainly no one's looking! 8^)

Happily, Kenny had no such thoughts and had a blast. There was a touch of a cool breeze still when we hit the water at their 12:00 open, and Kenny's teeth were chattering after maybe forty-five minutes. Mari was happily impressed that admission to the pool was free. I was less impressed that I had to sign a form to allow me to photograph my own family, but then there were an oddly high number of single greying dudes hanging around watching the girls. Thank you, broken society.

We then went for rather excellent Vietnamese food at a place in the Broadview/Gerard Chinatown (it has a train on the sign, and train paintings inside). Mmmm, 生牛肉 and tripe....

rand()m quote

Though defensive violence will always be a sad necessity in the eyes of men of principle, it would be still more unfortunate if wrongdoers should dominate just men.

—St. Augustine