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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Niagara Falls, 2011.07.03

This morning we set out to do two things: visit a butterfly conservatory and buy my mother some furniture.

The latter was made impossible by the store being closed, but we had a ball at the butterfly conservatory. The place sits on the road that wends along the gorge north of Niagara Falls. I've been meaning to 'someday' go in there for more than twenty years, and having a three year old around provided just the excuse.

Of course, he hated it and was hollering to be taken out of the place as soon as a large butterfly first landed on his shoulder. But I managed to calm him down, and he wound up really enjoying it. In his usual manner, he'd bellow about every thing that caught his attention (a lot of bellowing, in total).

Expecting another 3+ hour trip back to the city, we left mid-afternoon and it really paid off. We were home in less than half the time we'd taken to get out of the city on Friday.

I spent part of the afternoon working on sharpening up some of the photos in my photo book. I've redone the cover, too, and have replaced a few of the more iffy pics with some that I still hadn't taken when I first made the book in the Summer of 2010. Naturally I had to rewrite some of the text (most of the text in the current draft is now out altogether) because I'm no longer living there. It's fun, putting together a photo book. Regardless of the outcome of the contest I'm in I'm pleased to have used the opportunity to take a closer look at the product of my labour. Someone recommended that I shop it around to have it published "for real". Think I might still look into that.

Three good things that happened today:

1. Butterflies!

2. The expected traffic hell did not materialize.

3. Building a better book.

rand()m quote

There is little success where there is little laughter.

—Andrew Carnegie