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movie review - District 9

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2011.05.02

This is a science fiction story in which humans have since the early 1980's shared the planet with aliens that touched down in South Africa. The hapless aliens are humanoid but vaguely crustacean in nature and don't themselves seem to understand the mysterious space-craft in which they arrived. Humans regulated them to a refugee camp and dismissively call them "prawns". One particularly obtuse company official is charged with managing the migration of the refugees to a new settlement - much against the wishes of the aliens. Filmed in a semi-documentary fashion, it follows the disastrous attempt by the bumbling official to deal with the racial implications, policing, and logistical issues, which then take back seat after he is exposed to a biological agent that appears to be a central part of the alien's technology. I found the story engaging and original, nicely reflecting on real-world issues without being heavy-handed.


rand()m quote

I dunno, Google is like a clown, many coloured and jolly, but it still gives me the creeps.

—Darkman, Walkin Dude