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fare well, Tokyo

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Vancouver, 2010.12.31

My time in Tokyo is over. These were amazing years, life-changing and beyond anything I had any right to expect from life.

No idea what's next but it looks like Mari's going to get thrown into the deep end: it's shaping up to be a particularly cold and snowy winter. We've now got so many people queued up to visit us in Toronto I've lost count, but there are at least three in the mix interested in finding a Canadian husband. You'd have thought I'd have served as a cautionary tale but no.

Also, it seems that leaving Japan has become something of a trend. We've got friends who have recently moved, or have announced plans to move to:

+ Boston

+ New York

+ London

And another two who are actively working on securing transfers abroad. Good luck to all!

Back in Toronto, I've been asked to teach a just-for-fun Japanese lesson as a "lunch and learn" at my new employer. I reckon I'll teach them the survival basics: when you need something, "これおねがいします"; when anyone asks you anything, "大丈夫です"; when you meet someone you know, ask "お元気です か" and nod knowingly whatever the say; when anything else happens, say "すみません". I don't expect any interest in a book by me on the subject.

Here comes a happy new year!

rand()m quote

The way you write science fiction is: you sit down at your writing machine and you open your mind to the first thought that comes through. My first thought was always a cigarette.

—-Frederik Pohl