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X'mas in Japan

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Miyakonojo, Miyazaki, 2010.12.24

It's our last X'mas in Japan. And we celebrated with a first, for me: a tree with candles!

It was a hectic day, starting with:

* a couple of hours work for The Man back in Toronto

* some work on an aquarium I'm rebuilding for my father in law

* receiving the shipment of things from Tokyo

* a scramble into the car and then a trek out to Miyakonojo

We did a fair bit of gathering of feast stuff and got to the home of Mari's uncle and aunt. Her aunt Ann is Danish (blazed the gaijin trail for me in the family) and she loves to put on a mixed Japanese-European X'mas dinner, happily for the rest of us. But the candles in the tree were a surprise.

This was the first X'mas that Kenny was aware of Santa, who he calls "Santa-san". It was cute.

Naturally, I left the new video camera I'd gotten for Mari at her sister's place so we have no footage of the candly Christmas.

rand()m quote

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.

—John F. Kennedy