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outdoors weekend day 1

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2010.09.18

It's a long weekend in Japan, and the hot weather has finally ended. We can enjoy ourselves outdoors at last!

It's a pity that there are so few days left in "Summer" per se, but it's nice that after two months of hellish heat and humidity and a solid month of heavy rain, we can at least enjoy those days.

We went to a park on one of the man-made islands. Kenny blew soap bubbles and ran around after the various things we'd throw to each other. Nerf-style frisbee, a small ball with suction cups that refused to stick to his hand-held paddle, and a large ball with two Mifi characters on it.

After that I suggested that we check out a firefighters' training spot that Kenny and I had seen in the Spring. Turns out that the firefighters were very happy to show us around. Kenny really liked the big fire engines, but didn't like the four-wheel robot affair at all.

From there it was a natural to take the remaining couple of kilometers of flat trail down to a spot I know that overlooks Haneda airport. Mari really enjoyed the introduction; cool breeze on the water, water-skiers, and of course lots of planes to see.

"And we're having fun, with no money."

rand()m quote

When destiny comes to a man from outside, it lays him low, just as an arrow lays a deer low. When destiny comes to a man from within, from his innermost being, it makes him strong, it makes him into a god…

—Hermann Hesse