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hot little fish

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2010.07.20

The weather's been uncomfortably hot lately, and one unforeseen problem is that our aquarium is overheating.

In fact, the thermometer is pegged at 32ÂșC, day and night. Unsurprisingly, the plants are all crumbling, and the fish have been losing some of their colour. I've reduced the lighting, and I've even taken to adding ice packets to the water.

The technique I'm using is to place the ice packets into a zip-locked bag filled with tap water. The tap water can't get into the aquarium, and the the ice packets don't get any aquarium water on them (and so stay clean). I hope it doesn't introduce overly rapid temperature changes, but I'm worried about losing another fish.

rand()m quote

It is the ancient wisdom of birds that battles are best fought with song.

—Richard Nelson