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my Japanese vocabulary is uneven (千羽鶴)

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2010.06.14

I find that my Japanese vocabulary is heavily focused around three things. Children, casual (pub) chat, and certain jewelry phrases.

I wonder how that happened! 8^)

To be sure, my own little vocabulary study tool has slanted my word set. For instance, I have trouble recalling words like 殆んど (both 'almost' and 'mostly') when I need them, but I've dedicated 千羽鶴 ('ten thousand paper cranes') to memory. Eek.


Three good things that happened today:

1. The boy has a fever and had to stay home but it went okay; I got some work done while he slept, and he remained fairly energetic and active.

2. I've started a to add new layer to our business.

3. I know how to say "千羽鶴" and mean it.

rand()m quote

Some people talk about living every day like it might be their last. Maybe that's good advice. Carpe diem and all that. But perhaps it's better to try to live every day like it might be everyone's last. If there are people in your life who are important to you, let them know...

—Mark Bedford (quote taken from posting to