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fixes and failures

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2010.04.25

We had such a fine day today. Then I received an email from someone doing some important work for us.

He was having some trouble with the system configuration I'd set up for him, and a fix was going to need my intervention. So when we got home, I set to that fix. Two and half hours later, I'd come up with at best a workaround (which I have to correct, today) and was able to get it all written up for him in an email. Which is when my email client decided to crash, taking with it all of the care I'd put into explaining things. Thanks again, Thunderbird.

(PS. Where is it written that third party applications for UNIX platforms have to be so bad!)

But I endure. Like a mountain range (that gets migraines). The second explanation was, I suspect, a good deal more pithy.

Three good things that happened today:

1. a fine day with my family

2. some damn fine weather

3. learned something tricky about using Wordpress on an Apache webserver that's configured for Rails

rand()m quote

If you are going to tell people the truth, you have to make them laugh, or they'll kill you.

—Oscar Wilde