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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2010.04.20

Something semi-miraculous has happened. I was in a meeting and understood what was going on.

That's something to be said in of itself, because I find that the vast majority of meetings are of little comprehensible value or purpose. But when this meeting lapsed into Japanese I was able to follow along. I don't know if some kind of switch has been tripped in my brain, but I suddenly seem to be able to get the gist of things in this until-now unintelligble language.

It's like my son's sudden leaps in language ability. Only, I never expected my old ossified brain to manage such a feat.

rand()m quote

Ambition is the enemy of man. It stunts his ability to simplify the day. It is in simplicity we find peace.

—Allan Watts