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tsukiji is 70 years old

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2010.02.11

My favourite fish market just turned 70 years old.

wrapping up after a busy morning

According to a newspaper article, it was set up in its current place after a disaster wiped out the former one. The current site is now laden with problems: crowding (I can attest to that, having been through the thing at a snails pace on many occasions); 400 traffic accidents a year (I was knocked off my bike there two years ago by a careless driver); heavy metals and toxins all around (!); and a crumbling infrastructure that has caused blocks of concrete and chunks of metal to fall from the main buildings.

a quiet corner of the giant fish market

Time to move. Needless to say, different levels of government are fighting over what can be done about getting the market to a new home. And nothing much else is happening. So it's business as usual in the filthy, polluted, crowded, dangerous and wonderful Tsukiji. Happy birthday, fish market!

traffic cops required

rand()m quote

The only intuitive interface is the nipple. After that, it's all learned.

—-Bruce Ediger