I've never kept cichlids before and hope it works out: the fish seem to get along with the others in the aquarium and they seem to have quite a bit more color than they had in the store. I'd asked about compatibility in temperature and between the existing species, but I've learned that aquarium store owners don't always have even the slightest hint of a clue what they're talking about so I'm going to keep an eye on everything for a while.
Aside from the new fish, I've found one thing in the tank that's a bit unnerving. The plecostamus is growing much more quickly than any of the ones I've had in the past. He's already up around the six centimeter mark, which means he's grown 50% in length and who knows how much in weight. It's just a 15L tank I don't know how much longer he'll keep growing this quickly, but I can foresee a day when we have to find a new home for the poor thing.
One other thing I've noticed—there's at least one female shrimp in the tank laden with eggs! I don't attempt to raise any new critters, so I suppose the eggs will all enter the food chain.
Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.
—Mae West