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traffic, bloody traffic

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Toronto, 2010.11.23

I'm struggling with the train system in Toronto. Tokyo's transit looks better all the time by comparison.

I'm very grateful that there's a train system at all. That's certainly not a given in North America. But tonight for instance it took me two hours to get home from downtown. There just aren't enough trains! And the swipe-card system that allows you to pay is barely functional: yesterday I missed two trains while the staff tried (and failed) to puzzle out what was wrong with my card. Again this morning I had to check in at Union Station to reverse an overpayment.

rand()m quote

Well, someone once told me that life is divided in three parts: at first, you have time and inclination but lack money. Then, you have money and inclination but lack time. Finally, you have money and time but lack inclination. :-)

Andreas Plath