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my Japanese vocabulary is uneven (千羽鶴)

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2010.06.14

I find that my Japanese vocabulary is heavily focused around three things. Children, casual (pub) chat, and certain jewelry phrases.

I wonder how that happened! 8^)

To be sure, my own little vocabulary study tool has slanted my word set. For instance, I have trouble recalling words like 殆んど (both 'almost' and 'mostly') when I need them, but I've dedicated 千羽鶴 ('ten thousand paper cranes') to memory. Eek.


Three good things that happened today:

1. The boy has a fever and had to stay home but it went okay; I got some work done while he slept, and he remained fairly energetic and active.

2. I've started a to add new layer to our business.

3. I know how to say "千羽鶴" and mean it.

rand()m quote

If there must be trouble let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.

—Thomas Paine