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future politician?

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Hong Kong, 2009.11.24

This morning at our dim sum breakfast, Kenny charmed the table full of grannies next to us. Then he surprised us by doing a round of shaking hands.

He's never shaken hands with anybody, to my knowledge. Needless to say, the handshaking tour was a huge hit with our new acquaintances.

My grandfather expressly forbade me from entering politics. He needn't have worried, my misanthropy would have stifled any career in that direction. But it looks like one of his great-grandchildren might seriously be a contender.

We had another indication of this when we went to Michelle and Andrew's wedding this evening. Kenny woke in his stroller when we were already at the event, and was downright pleased to find that Mari had got him into a bow tie in addition to the pressed collared shirt and suspenders that he'd been wearing when he fell asleep. Tired and out of his element as he was, he went about pointing to his suspenders, his fancy shoes, and the little teddy bear logo on his shirt. Show off!

rand()m quote

There is no security upon this earth. There is only opportunity.

—Douglas MacArthur