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kenny likes to draw

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.09.12

Kenny likes to draw. He'll grab a pencil and merrily scribble away on a piece of paper, dulling his pencil in the process of turning the paper into a black tangle.

He'll also use a pen. Or, as I learned today, an indelible ink pen. On the teak table.

Did you know that you can get indelible ink out of teak with the stuff you rub on your skin when you've had a mosquito bite? The stuff is largely rubbing alcohol, I think, and I reached for it when I saw what Ken had done to the table. It seemed to work rather well. Of course there are still some marks remaining, but they're hard to see now that the table's been reduced to a crazy patchwork of stains, light patches and lines.

rand()m quote

Success has a thousand fathers, failure is an orphan.

—-Old proverb