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day 14: looking like a dead bug

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.04.11

For two whole weeks now, I've been wrangling with a cold that just won't go. I've been to the clinic, I've finished the antiobiotics and the pills against coughing and fever and sore throats. And yet it drags on.

When you've been coughing for two weeks, you wind up with abdominal muscles that are worn out. Every time I cough now it feels like I'm being punched in the ribs. Dang!

My wife looked at me as I sat blearily sipping at my morning coffee and said, "You look like the discarded shell of an insect." For an ESL person she certainly has a way with words. I went back to bed for three hours and kept coughing myself awake.

Going back to the clinic tomorrow to ask for more cough remedy pills, whatever good they might do.

rand()m quote

A true loyalist isn't someone who is blindly loyal but, rather, someone who is ride or die for as long as you give them that same loyalty.
