journal features
movie reviews
photo of the day

website maintenance

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.03.29

This morning I woke at 03:00 and couldn't get back to sleep. At 05:30 I gave up and got up for the day.

In my inbox was notice from our Internet service provider that my website is taking up too much RAM to function properly in the small server slice we've got. So I decided to flatten the thing. Now when you visit the site you're given a cached version if it exists. Some 1400 entries in this journal, as well as hundred of movie and book reviews and other articles are now cached. So, too, some 15,000 photos, one per page. New content will be de-cached as it is updated, with new caches being created every day or two.

Some users of Internet Explorer may find that the site now looks a little funny, but this caching trick means that I can no longer configure the output specially for IE's craziness. I apologize to any IE readers out there and advise you to get a better browser. Speaking of which, I see that only 43% of all the traffic to this site now comes from IE (as opposed to 90% plus five years ago).

I'll continue to monitor the memory usage on our server and see if this caching helps at all.

rand()m quote

What works good is better than what looks good because what works good lasts.

—Ray Eames