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RSS feed

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.01.25

Over the past few years, many people have asked me to put an RSS feed on this website. The basic idea is that readers can "subscribe" to updates to the site and have those updates actively pushed to them rather than requiring the reader to come back.

Never been my cup of tea, as it were, but I've done it now in large part because I'm building a new business that is Internet-based, and I figure that having content to push out to people is the best way of making that happen. Further to that, I've learned how to automate the generation of the feed so that whenever I publish new material (even something as simple as this journal entry) it'll get picked up in a matter of hours.

Now to get the content "syndicated". I've started with, a Google property, thanks to a lead from Lee of LoneleePlanet. Any other suggestions would be welcome.

rand()m quote

... I'll let you in on a secret. Big people are exactly the same as little people. They're selfish, squabbling children whose motivations are jealousy and greed. No one becomes big when the hit adulthood. They just become better at hiding how small they are.

Jonathan Rosenberg