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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.08.31

A typhoon is descending upon us once again. It's due to make landfall at Tokyo at 18:00 tonight, but it's been raining with increasing heaviness since about 17:00 last night (when I was out with Kenny returning a movie* and buying groceries).

I grew up in the inland regions of a northern continent far from the influence of tropical storms. After four years in this country I still find typhoons a little bit magical.

*The movie was called "The Devil Knows You're Dead" and it was pretty heavy going. Especially since it dealt with the violent end of a family of jewelry merchants, which technically our family is intent on becoming.

rand()m quote

Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling.

—Margaret Lee Runbeck