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Monday morning hoorays

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.08.31

We spent the weekend on family stuff, this weekend, except for an outing by Mari to meet some other local mothers. Sitting Kenny is a lot of work, of course, but it's enjoyable time. And then the five o'clock bell rang.

Sunday at five o'clock has always been to me an indication of the weekend's imminent decline. In my early thirties it meant looking toward preparing for the week ahead -- time to tend to chores and wrap up whatever projects I was tinkering with. In my twenties it meant the end of screwing around, to give myself time to shake off the hangover and get a bit of rest. Before that, of course, it was school. But it almost always came with that touch of dread about the beginning of the work week.

That's not the case right now. Given that I'm working on my own project, every work day offers the project of interesting challenges. Or at the very least some sort of must-do task (such as accounting, today's activity of the day) that mitigates risk or ensures that the project is in control.

No office politics, no indecipherable compliance activities, no crises. I've done a lot of good work in the corporate environment, but that world's day-to-day immediacy is not something I ever exactly looked forward to. It's a refreshing feeling, to find myself looking forward to my work week.

rand()m quote

Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity.

—Robert A. Heinlein