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.net frustration

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.07.13

Once upon a time, when the 'net was young and no-one but techies fiddled about with domain registration, there was but one Internet registrar that everyone had to deal with. They had some clumsy email-based template system that made registering and managing Internet domains a chore.

I guess all of today's Internet domain registrars are paying homage to those bad ol' days. Because all of the modern domain management sites I've used are without exception:

1) confusing and unnecessarily complex

2) slow

3) heavy on the emails

The ghost of!

rand()m quote

Illusions commend themselves to us because they save us pain and allow us to enjoy pleasure instead. We must therefore accept it without complaint when they sometimes collide with a bit of reality against which they are dashed to pieces.

—Sigmund Freud