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thank you, government

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.06.05

The Canadian tax authority sent me an advisory suggesting that they wanted me to call them. Well, I've been trying ever since, but their 1800 number doesn't work in Japan and the (613) area-code number is perpetually busy.

Naturally, their letter doesn't reference an email address, because that would have facilitated conversation.

At least the federal agency doesn't deal in Catch-22 the way that the Ontario government does. They'll tell you that you still have a corporation on the books, but they won't let you close the company unless you've updated the contacts for the directors, and they won't let you update the directors to only list non-residents. It's the last part that's the kicker, of course, because to have a list of directors that isn't exclusively non-Ontarian, I'd have to either give "home address" for the company in that province, or add a director. Both of which seem crazy when all I want to do is shut the thing down and stop getting Catch-22 letters.

いろいろ おせわに なりました, government of Ontario. You pretty much wrote this journal entry for me!

rand()m quote

Be an opener of doors for such as come after thee, and do not try to make the universe a blind alley.

—Ralph Waldo Emerson