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one day...

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.04.07

Once in a while you have one of those days that makes you wonder about how you've arranged your life. Today was such a day. I was busy, Mari was busy, and we had Kenny home with a fever. I'd spent the morning making contacts for the business, and rounded that out with some copywriting and some wrangling with the fine folks who are managing the transition of our corporate lease for the apartment. On top of everything else on her plate, Mari had to pack in a trip to the dentist and a visit to Kenny's clinic.

After Kenny had been in bed for about an hour or so, he started making a bunch of weird noises. The not-unusual groans came out as strangled gargles this time because of the cold he's got. As I handed him off to Mari (I know when I'm out of my depth), I returned to one last chore of folding up some boxes. One of the boxes was for the rather nice digital photo frame that my brother surprised me with (a birthday gift!). The Thinkgeek box had contained within it another box packed with plastic bags inflated with air, and it was only as I was dismantling all of this that I noticed there were some other gifts for Kenny tucked into the packaging.

These are photographed below.

"I TCP/IP, but mostly IP" sleeper.

"Newbie" shirt.

"42" blanket.

"Mac power button" shirt!


It made our day, for Mari and me.

rand()m quote

I have found that evil usually triumphs, unless good is very, very careful.

—"Bones" McCoy