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Nichinan, Miyazaki

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2009.01.01

Hello, 2009! Curious, when you've got a small baby to take care of you don't wake up with a hangover....

And thus concludes 2008. Without a doubt the strangest and most amazing year of my life. I owe it all to my darling Mari-chan.

The family got together again for New Year's day. I showed the kids the LEGO designs I've been working on. Yu-kun, the eldest of the four boys in the family, liked the fighter-bomber. Ki-kun, second oldest, liked the science/exploration craft. When I get the designs to my liking I'll send 'em each the kit they chose. How insanely great is it that I've got a tool to design LEGO kits at the same time that I've got two young nephews!

rand()m quote

Like beauty and honesty, promiscuity is in the eye of the beholder...

—Hunter S. Thompson