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JR shadows

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2008.11.30

I set off early this morning to go to one of the big camera stores and get some storage binders for my negatives. I know, exciting stuff.

Given the time of day and time of year, there was low sunlight pouring in through the train windows at one point. With passenger traffic still light, the light was reflecting off of all sorts of things that it normally wouldn't. The most interesting reflection was on the floor of the train, a circular patch of light around one of the floor-to-ceiling rising hand-hold bars.

I put out a finger to cast a small shadow on the pole and was rewarded with a dark band in the circular pool of reflected light. So I added some more fingers, and began waggling them up and down. It caused an interesting pattern of concentric rings of shadow bouncing off of each other on the floor of the train.

Eventually I noticed that the other passengers were all watching my little display. Or rather, they were watching me. I bet they wished they'd thought of it first.

I can't wait to show little Kenny that sort of thing.

After my shopping expedition I picked up groceries and some Thai food. Madoka and Toshiyuki came by for lunch. After lunch, I'm afraid to say, I passed out in front of our guests. Burning the candle at too many ends. 8(

rand()m quote

Market matters most; neither a stellar team nor fantastic product will redeem a bad market. Markets that don't exist don't care how smart you are.

—Marc Andreesen