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...the tire trilogy concludes

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2008.10.17

I decided to risk riding on the weakened tire one more time, only to get me to the office. On the building site there is a great bicycle shop where I can get a new tire. So I inflated the tube to only 60% of normal pressure and set off, taking it easy.

I made it as far as the fish market before the tube burst. Given that changing the tire in the middle of the busy market was going to be awkward, dirty and ultimately futile, I decided to walk it in, instead. It was only another klick or so, anyway.

Now the bike's chained up outside the bike store, I'll get the thing looked at at noon.

rand()m quote

You have to be straight with people and your word has got to be your bond.

—John Mudd