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the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2008.07.25

Today we went to see fireworks for the first time in the boy's life. He seemed to enjoy it, but only passively. Frankly I think he was a bit worn out by the time the fireworks got going, because he'd been playing with Tastua-kun and Chika-chan, the children of our hosts the Satois. In fact, Ken had dozed off at first, which amazed me because there were a lot of really hear-rattling bangs. But he was clearly watching.

I wonder what he made of it all.

Then when we got home, he had a funny accident. He'd pooed, and as I was changing him he spat out his passifier. I took my hand off the diaper to get the passifier, and in doing so allowed him to start peeing freely.

Which he did, directly onto his face. He gave a startled gurgle (I'd just got the passifier back in his mouth) and then became angry and upset, perhaps not realizing that he was doing it to himself.

I can almost hear the pleas, twelve years from now, as he asks me to take this journal entry down.

rand()m quote

Specialization is for insects - you've got one life, do everything you want to do.

—Naval Ravikant