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digressions and puns

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2008.07.02

As I see it, digressions are a minor crime against speech. They're certainly a problem when it comes to storytelling, and they can quickly put people off when you're trying to do business.

An example? My autobiography, which I'm now slowly re-writing. It's a tangled mess of digressions at this point, and I had to start from scratch to make it readable.

It occured to me today that maybe digressions are the sort of thing we're answerable for on "Judgment Day". And puns. Surely puns are attrocities. Would we have to attone for digressions and puns?

rand()m quote

It's weird, man. People can watch a movie where thousands of people die in a war and not a tear. Yet one collie dies .. and the entire nation collapses with grief.

—Dr. Johnny Fever