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jeff goldblum again

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2008.06.19

Today I was assured by one of my colleagues that "everybody on the floor agrees" that I look like Jeff Goldblum. I get this about once a year. Actually, it was much more common in the early 90's when Goldblum was quite active (and my hair was longer).

Jeff Goldblum, photo from

Goldblum's been turning up less frequently, of late (which is a pity, because he's actually pretty good) so the comparisons have been tapering off. Tellingly, my colleague Sayama-san told referred to Goldblum as "the actor who uploaded the virus to the alien ship." Meaning, in the unspeakably bad movie Independence Day. I guess everyone's forgotten about the Fly and Jurassic Park?

P.S. Thanks to Satoi-san for pointing out that I'd mis-identified Independence Day as Armageddon. I've no idea how I could have mistaken a scintilating, multiply-award-winning masterpiece with a ludicrous piece of crap... oh right they're both stupendous crap!

Also, Mari reminds me that I'm also told I look like Abe Hiroshi, below.

Abe Hiroshi

Meh, I dunno. Here's me, and the boy (courtesy of Mari, my Pentax *istDS, and my favourite lens, my SMC 28mm f/3.5).

me and the boy

rand()m quote

We kill the cows to make jackets out of them, and then we kill each other for the jackets we made out of the cows.

—-Denis Leary