Goldblum's been turning up less frequently, of late (which is a pity, because he's actually pretty good) so the comparisons have been tapering off. Tellingly, my colleague Sayama-san told referred to Goldblum as "the actor who uploaded the virus to the alien ship." Meaning, in the unspeakably bad movie Independence Day. I guess everyone's forgotten about the Fly and Jurassic Park?
P.S. Thanks to Satoi-san for pointing out that I'd mis-identified Independence Day as Armageddon. I've no idea how I could have mistaken a scintilating, multiply-award-winning masterpiece with a ludicrous piece of crap... oh right they're both stupendous crap!
Also, Mari reminds me that I'm also told I look like Abe Hiroshi, below.
Meh, I dunno. Here's me, and the boy (courtesy of Mari, my Pentax *istDS, and my favourite lens, my SMC 28mm f/3.5).
Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very very good; and when it is bad, it is better than nothing.
—-Dick Brandon