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new keyboard

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2008.05.31

I have a fondness for the old IBM keyboards. It turns out that they're called "Model M", and while IBM hasn't built them in many years, and never built them with a USB connector*, there is a firm in Kentuky of all places that does still make 'em. So I bought one.

$70 for the keyboard, $40 for shipping. Probably cheaper than this wireless thing which is no longer entirely functioning (either as wireless or a keyboard). It's in Anchorage.

*I tried connecting my old one, purchased in Australia for $4 (after which I immediately told the guy running the sale at the community centre that they were probably worth ten times that) with a PS2-USB connector, but it kept dropping keystrokes and I got rid of it.

rand()m quote

Ever notice that fifteen minutes into a Jerry Lewis telethon you start rooting for the disease?

—Jim Sherbert