journal features
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photo of the day

photo experiment: subway

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2008.04.23

I've been working on a new project recently -- a complete reworking of this website. One of the major features will be a much-expanded and cleaner/faster photo gallery. It will enable me to add and maintain new photo collections more easily, and bring my photos online in a more timely fashion.

So in the future when I do some photo experimentation, I'll be able to share the results more quickly. Here's a case in point -- I did a couple of subway trips with camera recording out the rear window of the train as I'd leave the station. I'm pleased with the results.

rand()m quote

... I'll let you in on a secret. Big people are exactly the same as little people. They're selfish, squabbling children whose motivations are jealousy and greed. No one becomes big when the hit adulthood. They just become better at hiding how small they are.

Jonathan Rosenberg