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a profile, you ask

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2008.03.27

Someone in the global organization at work wanted me to produce a profile of myself for a newsletter. This is what I came up with. It's written for an IT crowd, naturally.

I've been something of a high-tech drifter, having worked from coast-to-coast in Canada as well as in Australia and now Japan. My wandering ways came to an end a few years ago when I met a raven-haired beauty from Kyushu. Our first son was born in January, he occasionally makes a "hi" sound and we debate whether it's English or Japanese. I am an avid photographer, and this year with a little luck my first novel will be published.

rand()m quote

When I look back at life I see that I kept the good scotch to myself. I regret that. Pour the good scotch for your guests.

—Dr. Kenneth M. Johnston (1920 - 1999)