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the golden age

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2008.09.26

No need to fear if the global economy is falling apart. No need to fret that the environmental damage we're doing seems to have sailed past the tipping point some years prior. No need for concern that the most powerful countries seem, once again, to be run by lunatics.

Today I saw someone putting a microPC to an unusual use (well, I hope it'll prove to be unusual). He was walking down the sidewalk, watching a movie, his headphones plugged into the thing.

Since I've been in this country I've also repeatedly encountered people sneaking off to the toilet to lock themselves up with a console game (you can hear them clicking away in the stall next to you). Now it's movie watching while walking down the street.

We need never be without our entertainment again. It must be some sort of golden age.

rand()m quote

Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.

—Ralph Waldo Emerson