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a profile, you ask

the journal of Michael Werneburg

twenty-seven years and one million words

Tokyo, 2008.03.27

Someone in the global organization at work wanted me to produce a profile of myself for a newsletter. This is what I came up with. It's written for an IT crowd, naturally.

I've been something of a high-tech drifter, having worked from coast-to-coast in Canada as well as in Australia and now Japan. My wandering ways came to an end a few years ago when I met a raven-haired beauty from Kyushu. Our first son was born in January, he occasionally makes a "hi" sound and we debate whether it's English or Japanese. I am an avid photographer, and this year with a little luck my first novel will be published.

rand()m quote

In the wake of 9/11, we [in America] have made the decision as a society that we can never again create something in which we can take pride, for fear that someone will destroy it. Moreover, we must suppress any trace of individualism, lest someone have the desire to rise above the bland sameness that protects us. I have, alas, no idea how to recapture our courage.

—Anonymous post to, 2009